What The F Adidas? Using Bella and War Crisis Between Israeli and Palestine Means Hitting the Below Belt

What The F Adidas? Using Bella and War Crisis Between Israeli and Palestine Means Hitting the Below Belt

There is something strange going on with Adidas recently. The shoe brand chose Bella Hadid for a retro sneaker campaign, and it has stirred quite a controversy.

The campaign featured the retro sneakers, SL72, originally released during the 1972 Munich Olympics. This is where things get complicated. During the 1972 Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were tragically murdered by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September.

Bella Hadid, as we all know, is Palestinian. The ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel is a deeply sensitive issue. Really man what is wrong with you? What were you thinking? Are you a shoe brand or global mess mixer?

The Story of Controversy

Adidas launched a campaign to remind people of the 1972 Munich Olympics model, SL72. They did not inform Hadid about the historical context of the 1972 Olympics, placing her unwittingly in a controversial spotlight. Israeli and Jewish communities voiced strong objections to this move. Following the backlash, Adidas removed the campaign and issued an apology. They claimed that while they were aware of the tragic historical event, the campaign's message was completely unintentional.

Global Brands Should Be Humanitarian

Global brands should invest in improving the quality of human life, which includes spreading peace and providing high-quality products. However, Adidas's recent move does not align with these principles. Instead, it appears to be a campaign designed to gain popularity, regardless of the emotional toll.

At Martin Valen, we dedicate our brand to spreading equality, individuality, and peace, even though we are much smaller than Adidas. It looks like capitalism can create monsters! Yeah, everybody remembers SL72 now. Well done, Adidas, well done.

Reflecting on the Impact

This incident highlights the importance of sensitivity and awareness in marketing campaigns, especially for global brands. In a world where consumers are more conscious than ever about the social and political implications of brand actions, it's crucial for companies to tread carefully and thoughtfully.

At Martin Valen, we believe in a different approach. We strive to create products that not only stand out in style and quality but also promote positive values and respect for all cultures and communities. Our mission is to contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive world, one sneaker at a time.

Sources: https://www.elle.com.au/culture/bella-hadid-adidas-controversy-explained/


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